Since 1963, clients worldwide have teamed with Five-G’s registered engineers, taking advantage of our extensive experience and individually tailored design services.
· Site selection
· Long-range master planning
· Plan development
· Engineered construction plans
· Construction management

· Operations planning and staffing
· Waste management
· Permitting
· Cattle traffic

· Parlor planning
· Housing design
· Feeding systems.
· New construction
· Remodel/expansion

With a plan in place and Five-G on your team, you not only save on construction but also operational costs by planning your dairy for efficiency geared to your personal needs. We utilize the latest technology and modern concepts in dairy design to meet both your and the regulatory agencies’ high standards.
The Preliminary Engineering Design Study (P.E.D.S.)
Dairy owners around the world have had great success using a P.E.D.S. from Five-G Consulting, Inc. The P.E.D.S. is a custom engineering design package tailored to your dairy. No two dairies are exactly alike and no two dairymen have exactly the same needs. The P.E.D.S. will clearly outline your game plan for construction, improvements and expansion. You will use this study for discussions with partners, regulatory agencies, finance groups and other interested parties. The design study will be your master plan for growth over the next 10 to 20 years.
Here is what you get:
· One or two site visits to: A) capture your requirements first hand, B) customize your facility to best fit your land and C) complete the process ensuring your satisfaction.
· Site survey (records: existing features, topography, drainage, road access, plus data on wind, weather and other unique factors to plan around)
· Your master plans (blueprints showing existing conditions, the new farmstead master plan, plus main features of the new improvements)
· P.E.D.S. Report (recommendations, cost estimates, and a descriptive photo section)
Starting your project, see an example P.E.D.S., read our FAQ, and request a P.E.D.S. Package for more information.
Save thousands of dollars, in construction and operation costs, with only one day of planning, when you partner with the Five-G experts to help you select the best site and layout for your dairy. Five-G has over 30 years of experience and more than 1000 dairies designed in United States and abroad.
Take advantage of the best advice and experience in the world.
Let Five-G assist you in planning the most efficient, cost effective and usable dairy for your location. We can also assist you in updating, renovating or adding on to your standing structures. We will combine the best ideas from all parties into a set of drawings, comprising your long range master plan.
Your master plan will include:
- Detailed waste management drawings to meet your local and state regulations.
- Detailed construction drawings allowing your local contractors to build modern, efficient, cost effective facilities.
- Detailed specifications providing competitive bidding for dairy construction.
Team with Five-G in the construction supervision capacity that best fits your needs, with construction supervision options ranging from monthly progress visits aimed at assisting the dairyman, acting as his own general contractor, to complete, on-site supervision, selection of and negotiation with contractors, and daily supervision of the entire project.
Selecting everything including, dairy, freestall, and milking parlor construction techniques; permitting, and waste management systems is easier with Five-G on your team.
Communication between dairy owners, Five-G, contractors, and manufacturers, as well as, with the community and regulatory agencies, is one of the most important factors when it comes to large projects like dairy design and construction.
We can facilitate:
- Town meetings to answer any concerns your neighbors and activist groups might have.
- We will handle agency meetings to answer waste management questions and speed along the permit approval process.
- Most importantly we can organize meetings between farmers/partner/contractor to bring together the best possible ideas for your special needs.